Flix You Off Podcast: Show Format Changes and etc!

Hello there interwebs, and the followers/listeners of The Flix You Off Podcast.

Just wanted to update the community, listeners and everyone else under the sun a few format changes that were briefly discussed on this most recent episode of The Flix You Off Podcast (Episode 6).

#1 – The Flix You Off Podcast is switching to a Bi-Weekly show. Due to time constrains that came along with an unexpected acceptance to my college’s Radiology Program this year, shows are going to now run Bi-Weekly, oppose to the weekly shows that I have been trying to put up each week.What does this mean? How will the show change?

  • Show will come out every other week
  • With this format, it will allow for more content (2 weeks of What’s New to Streaming, Watcha Watching this Week, and longer FYO Main Topic Discussions)
  • Show will probably run longer and closer to an hour (oppose to the 25 to 45 min shows)

#2 – The Flix You Off Podcast, Season 1 will end with Episode 12! I setup the FYO Podcast to have seasons, that way I can have a structured way to end and start the show up at my convenience. Since Season 1 of the FYO Podcast is my “Pilot” Season, I’ve decided to end with 12 episodes which should run me into the May/June 2012. When will Season 2 come out? How many episodes will be in Season 2? What can we expect?

  • Season 2 of the Flix You Off Podcast will commence in August of 2012
  • Season 2 will run through the rest of 2012 (so August – Decemeber)
  • Season 2 will have anywhere between 12 – 24 episodes in the run
  • Season 2 will have the possibility of Guest appearances (as requested by listeners)
  • We will explore “Part 2” of previous FYO Main Topic Discussions (example: Part 2 of The Anime Nation, The BBC Invasion, etc…

#3 – The Flix You Off Podcast will be dropping Hulu Plus from the streaming list. This is partially due to me not personally using Hulu Plus a whole lot. Actually, I never use it at all… my wife primarily does. Are you bring in other streaming avenues to The FYO Podcast? What about the other streaming services?

  • Netflix, Zune, Vudu will stay as the primary streaming services I focus on in the show
  • With the dropping of Hulu Plus, I can add other streaming services such at Crunchy Roll (for Anime), Sony’s Crackle, & Studio 3’s EPIX
  • Although I am dropping Hulu Plus now, it does not mean I will not pull in shows from this streaming service from time to time, I am just not updating on the What’s New to Streaming
  • Also, future guests have free reign on talking about shows that are exclusive to Hulu Plus

Anyways, that’s all for now!!!

Please make sure to contact me at flixyouoff@gmail.com for any comments/suggestions for the FYO Podcast
Please go over to iTunes to rate and review the podcast
Check The FYO Podcast on Sticher Radio
And visit the website at www.flixyouoffpodcast.com

Giggidee OUT