When will the Flix You Off Podcast be released?

Hello World,

Giggidee here and I just wanted to update on what is going on with the Flix You Off Podcast.  Time is inching closer and closer to start of Season 1 Episode 1 of the Flix You Off Podcast and many people are asking me “When will the Flix You Off Podcast be released?”

Well, I figured I should probably answer that question and some other questions that I’ve come across as we wait for the upcoming first episode.

The first episode of the Flix You Off Podcast is scheduled to be released the first weekend of February, so either the 4th or the 5th.

I am still getting logistics, equipment, programs and such ready… and more importantly, trying to get iTunes working correctly for me… in the last couple of month, iTunes has been nothing but a hassle, to the point where last night 01/04/2012, I actually just reformatted my entire desktop to factory settings and re-installed everything I had on there.

So far… as I can tell… iTunes is working… but I need to get a test episode there to make sure everything is transferring properly.

Another issue I was having was with hosting… being a college student in the medical field does garner much free income… so trying to figure out how to pay for hosting for the episodes is a pain… for now, since I am not sure how this podcast will be received; I’ve decided to take the easy was out and host through Archive.org for free.  I am doing this for fun, so anything that can make it easier for me I will take full advantage of it.

Also getting my format of the show is key, because I’ve decided for the first few episodes to go at this show solo… and I am not sure how, me talking to myself is going to go… hopefully by the first few episodes I will know and maybe I will pull in a co-host for anyone that would like to join me on my “adventure into streaming media.”

Well, that is all!!!

Keep a look out on Feb 4th/5th for Season 1 Episode 1 of the Flix You Off Podcast.
